From the Words of Elder Grand Master Steve Spry

Steve Spry's Hawaiian Martial Arts is a hybrid of the styles he's studied and taught for decades. American Kenpo, Okinawa-Ta, Lima Lama, Aikido, Small Circle Jujitsu & LUA are the arts that make up Steve Spry's HAWAIIAN MARTIAL ARTS.

When asked why Mr. Spry gravitated to study and learn the Pollynesian Arts, his reply is:

Have you ever met a sissy Samoan?

The Hawaiians have given everything they own in their love (Aloha) to the Haoles (Whites) now they fight to save their families (Ohana) dignity and honor. This is why Steve Spry loves the Plynesians and they love him and have each embraced their arts and their Aloha.

His given title of Makua meaning Uncle, a very honored status to be blessed with from the Hawaiians. Uncle & Auntie are highly honored family members and respected in the Hawaiian Family (Ohana)

Steve Spry's Hawaiian Martial Arts Logo The SHARK, is also highly respected and honored in Hawaiian Culture. The Shark is recognized as passed family members. The Shark was responsible for leading the early Polynesians thousands of miles as they sailed the Pacific Ocean to the Island of HAWAII.

Mr. Spry was honored on the Big Island with the martial arts title of Elder Grandmaster, the family title of Makua and the Family Logo Crest of the SHARK. He will always honor and cherish these blessings and responsibilities.


EGM Makua Steve


My name is Steve Spry, since 1965 I have studied numerous styles of martial arts. The one thing that most of the arts I have studied have in common is the instructors did not have the desire, dedication to follow through with their responsibilities - to stick to their words to teach. Most of them quit teaching for many reasons. They lost the desire to teach, the dedication it takes to be an instructor/teacher, or the responsibility was too much for them.

So who suffers the most is the dedicated students, we suffer the greatest. It was not us that quit on the instructors, it was the instructors that quit and gave up on the students.

So I formed the IKKI, International Kenpo Karate Institute, in 1994 for serious students, instructors, teachers & schools to be a part of something that they can count on to be there for them.

If you are in need to belong to something that will support & believe in you then I suggest you visit the IKKI website at


Elder Grand Master Steve Spry

Founder & CEO of the IKKI